Cooking With the Mooch: The Flay-Slayer Meatballs

April 1, 2011

in Food, Moochie

Moochie mixing the dry ingredients

Years ago, these meatballs beat Bobby Flay’s on show Throwdown! Despite the fact that it’s a 100 year-old recipe that isn’t supposed to be messed with, I’ve been… um… messing with it. (Usually because I don’t have an ingredient on hand, or I don’t have enough of something, like eggs, because I didn’t realize that Phin had used eight when he cooked breakfast for himself and Mooch.)

So trust me when I say Grandma Maroni’s Meatball recipe is really forgiving. I’ve tried it with whatever I had on hand — only two eggs, half the cheese, 1.5 times more meat (I prefer this, in fact), fried garlic instead of fresh, no onion, etc. All versions were light and delicious.

I expected to miss browning the meatballs in a skillet, but I didn’t after trying this recipe. I do tend to cook them about ten minutes longer than the recipe indicates, so they’ll brown up a bit. I also turn them over halfway through the cooking time, otherwise they flatten out since they’re so soft.

My favorite substitute is to use a ground beef, pork and veal mix instead of the straight beef. And I use panko crumbs, because that’s usually what I have on hand.

Expert testimony: they’re really good!

{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }

The Empress April 1, 2011 at 4:57 pm

YES! It's all in the filler added.

Mine? Are turkey. Mixed in with kellogg's corn flake crumbs and A-1 sauce.

The peanut gallery goes nuts over them.


Kathleen Botsford April 2, 2011 at 6:42 pm

Cool. New recipes to try out after Lent! Who ever heard of an almost 18 year old giving up meat AND Facebook???


Cruella Collett April 2, 2011 at 7:58 pm

Mmmm. Hungry…. Feels like – Homer Simpson. *drool* Comment temporarily unavailable till I can get my hands on some meatballs…


Mardi @eatlivetravelwrite April 4, 2011 at 11:13 pm

Mooch is looking SO grown up! Can I have her come and visit to cook with Les Petits Chefs? 😉


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